The 15th Nataraj Awards: Pope Thanavat, Pong Nawat, Jes Jespipat, and More Among The Best Actor Nominees

Yesterday, we shared with you the list of nominees for The Best Actress at the 15th Nataraj Awards.

SEE ALSO: Kao Noppakao, Au Kittipon, Gina Yeena, Namfah Thunyaphat, and Denise Jelilcha cast in the new drama

Today, let’s move forward and explore the nominations for The Best Actor of The Year.

Jes Jespipat

Jes Jespipat portrayed the challenging role in “Ruk Rai” and he absolutely deserved to be nominated.

Pong Nawat

Pong Nawat showed his incredible performance in “VIP”, leading to his selection as one of the best actors this year.

Pope Thanavat

Pope Thanavat’s portrayal of 3 different characters in part 2 of the hit drama and came in the list as expected.

Toni Rakkaen

Toni Rakkaen’s outstanding performance in “Bussaba Lui Fai” established him as one of the best actors of the year.

Ananda Everingham

Ananda Everingham’s exceptional acting in “The Betrayal” earned him a well-deserved spot among other actors on the list.

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