Mario Maurer Admitted He Surprised His Mother With This Thing On ‘3 Zapp’

Mario Maurer admitted he surprised his mother by buying her a white car on Chinese New Year on a TV talk show ‘3 Zapp‘. He revealed, “My father said that he would buy a car for my mother when he had enough money, that’s why I did this thing instead of him”.

His mother continued, “On that day, he drove a car that he bought for me and parked it at the parking lot on the 6th floor of the condominium. He told me to help him hold the gifts which his fans gave. When I arrived at the parking lot, he asked me whether the car was pretty or not and I said yes.”

She adds, “He asked me I like it or not and I said yes. He told me to sit in the car and said that he bought it for me. I shed tear hearing about it.”

SEE ALSO: Junji Gai-A Opens Up About Her Relationship With Mario Maurer

Photo: mario_mm38 |

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