Thai stars who are talented in writing songs

The following are handsome Thai stars who are talented in writing songs.

SEE ALSO: BL actors who become Thai TV3 stars now

Tong Pitawat

Tong Pitawat reportedly writes a song ‘Yah Hai Pai Nai Eek Leuy’ for his real-life girlfriend Prang Kannarun who is the beautiful actress on Thai TV3.

Pok Passakorn

In 2016, Pok Passakorn surprised Margie Rasri by writing the song ‘This is for you’ and celebrated their 2nd relationship anniversary.

Pok Passakorn and Margie Rasri got married in December 2017. They now have a twin baby boy and girl.

Kongthap Peak

A multi-talented star Kongthap Peak will debut as an actor in the age-gap drama “Dare to Love: Hai Ruk Pipaksa”.

Also, he writes the OST song “Promise You” for this drama.

According to the source, he already wrote this song in Korean.

Then, he writes it in Thai language and also includes the English language in the song.

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