10 Thai Actresses Nominated In ‘Most Favorite Thai Actress’ Semi-Finalist

On 23 March 2019, we opened voting for ‘Most Favorite Thai Actress’ and the poll was closed on 06 April 2019.

SEE ALSO: Voting Is Now Open For ‘Most Favorite Thai Actresses 2019’ With 26 Nominees

10 Thai actresses, who get most votes, are nominated in the semi-finalists including Bua Nalinthip, Mai Davika, Esther Supreeleela, Mint Chalida, Baifern Pimchanok, Taew Natapohn, Kimmy Kimberley Anne Voltemas, Vill Wannarot, Bella Ranee Campen, and Yaya Urassaya.

Our website will open voting for the semi-finalist of ‘Most Favorite Thai Actress 2019’ on 13 April 2019.

Thanks to all fans who join voting with Thai Update.

Who is your most favorite Thai actress?

Photo: bellacampen | urassayas | villwannarot


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